10 Things to Know Before Having Microblading Done
January 22, 2023

10 Things to Know Before Having Microblading Done

Microblading can make such a big difference. It can really help define your brows, even them out, and really make your eyes pop. But making the decision to finally get them done can be a bit nerve wracking.

Let’s face it, Microblading is similar to a tattoo and it goes directly on your face where everyone can see it. That is why it is so important to know exactly what you're walking into, and know how to prepare for the service! These are a few things that you should know before diving into the wonderful world of microblading.

1. Microblading is similar to, but not quite an actual tattoo

Microblading and tattooing both use needles to deposit pigment into the skin, however it is the depth that majorly separates the two.

Microblading only ‘scratches’ the surface layers of the skin in order to create crisp, hair-like strokes that mimic the appearance of brow hair. A tattoo depth goes much deeper into the skin. This is why microblading is meant to last 1-3 years and is meant to slowly fade away over time, whereas a tattoo is permanent and hardly fades.

2. Know and understand the stages of microblading

While healing, microblading can go through many different stages. This often leads to uncertainty from clients during the healing process, and panic can sometimes arise. This is why it is important to know and understand these stages are normal before getting the procedure done.

The first day the brows will look bold, maybe a bit red but that redness will subside and the pigment does fade a bit when healed.

The next day and for a couple days more, your brows will appear quite dark and bolder than the first day. but again, it does fade! You may start to notice light scabs forming as well. After a few days you will experience minimal peeling and flaking, but it’s important that you don’t pick or pull at those flakes. Just let them shed naturally!

Your brows now might appear really light in color and you may be questioning where you brows have gone, but slowly the true color will begin to appear. It takes about a month for the color to be its true form.
It’s all about trusting the process and understanding these stages. And also remember that any adjustments can be done in the 6 week touch up! Which brings us to our next point,

3. Most people require two sessions

Everyone has different skin types, and that means everyone heals differently. Sometimes you can follow the aftercare exactly how it’s written and explained, but still end up with tiny spots missing or faded areas. But not to worry! It’s totally normal and that is why there is a 6 week touch up after your initial appointment. In the 6 week touch up appointment, your artist can go over what needs to be added or adjusted. This is also an opportunity to go darker or thicker if desired. After the second session, you would only need to return every 1-2 years in order to maintain them.

4. Certain skin types have different results

As stated in the point above, everyone has different skin types. So not only can it affect healing, but it can also affect the longevity of your brows over time. Someone with more oily skin may want to opt for a powder or combo brow as this can have longer lasting results. For someone with oily skin, sometimes Microblading alone may not appear as ‘crisp’ and defined, and may fade quicker than someone with a dry skin type. Someone with a dry skin type may hold onto the pigment better than an oily skin type. So its important to discuss with your brow artist what technique would be best suited to your skin.

5. There are different techniques than just microblading

Microblading alone is the appearance of fine, hair-like strokes that\ mimic the appearance of a brow. But that isn’t the only technique out there. As with any industry, there are always advancements and new techniques that arise. It’s good to have an idea of what kind of look you’re trying to achieve, that way your brow artist can present a technique that works for you. Not only is there microblading, there is also a combo brow. A combo brow uses a combination of hair-like strokes, with a bit of shading behind those strokes. The shading can be done as light or as dark as you’d like, but its a great way to add more depth to the brows. Next is a powder brow. A powder brow is a brow that only has shading and no hair strokes. This technique is also widely known as the ‘ombré ‘ brow. It is very filled in ‘makeup’ type look.

6. Do your research and trust your artist!

With microblading being a very up n coming procedure, tons of brow artists are appearing on the market. This can make it difficult, and sometimes overwhelming when deciding who to go to. It is important to do your research before trusting someone with your brows, as everyone has different experience levels, and different certifications. Always read reviews, and always ask to see a portfolio of their work if not already displayed. Make sure the environment is clean and sterile as well.

It is always a good idea to set up a consultation before hand if you’re unsure, as its a good way to meet your brow artist to see if its a good fit. It’s alot of trust to put into someone, so its good to trust your artist and feel confident in who you choose to do your brows.

7. You do get numbing, but some discomfort may occur.

When microblading, a topical numbing gel or cream is used to numb the area. However, everyone takes to the numbing differently, and everyone has a different pain tolerance. Your brow artist wants you to be as comfortable as possible, however it is important to understand that some slight discomfort may occur. Discomfort after each session may also occur, but feel free to take Advil or Tylenol *AFTER your session to help with the discomfort *Avoid taking pain medication before hand as it may thin the blood

8. Plan Accordingly

Microblading is a very small procedure but there is still a healing time that you need to be mindful of and there are certain instructions that you have to follow afterwards in order to heal properly. If you were planning on attending a wedding, or going on vacation, you would want to give yourself at least 4 weeks after the initial session (and also after the 6 week touch up if needed). This gives you time to heal so you can fully enjoy any events coming up!

9. Some things may prevent you from being eligible for microblading

Microblading is a great choice if you want fuller brows, however it may not be the right fit for you at the time. Clients who are pregnant, or planning on getting pregnant, or breastfeeding need to wait. Pregnancy can affect your hormone levels which could impact the healing process.

Clients undergoing chemotherapy need to wait until they are done treatment and get cleared from their physician, as it could increase the risk of infection. Clients using blood thinners also need to consult with their physician before receiving the treatment to make sure that getting microblading would be a safe procedure for them.

And last but not least

10. Follow your aftercare!

While there are many common things to follow with microblading aftercare, some brow artists still may have their own personalized list of instructions to follow in order for you to get great results. It’s important to follow the aftercare that your brow artist provides you with. Your brow artist wants you to get the best possible results so make sure you understand everything before leaving your appointment


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